Location: Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Would Life Without A Cell Phone Smell As Sweet?

While the plumber installed a new faucet today, I spent the better part of an hour on the phone with a representative from Verizon, trying to get him to reverse the charges of an account that does not belong to us. Because it was my husband's name on the bill rather than mine, for "privacy reasons" I could only get so far before we had to call Mark at work via a 3-way to confirm that he too wanted these changes, and that I was authorized to make them. Once Mark gave me the "okay," he was free to go, but I was left prisoner to the telephone while I listened to the far-off clicking of keys and answered occasional questions about the bogus bill.

As unthinkable as it is to even consider not owning a cell phone these days, I wonder how much better my life really is because I do...I feel like I spend so much time dealing with the complications from the technologies that are supposed to make my life more convenient, that I really wonder if it's worth it. I don't remember thinking, in college, that life would be so much easier if I could just call my friends from the library rather than making plans ahead of time to meet up.

Still, we've succumbed to the allure of being always accessible, and the hassles are what we have to pay for this privilege. Life is surely better now....right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cell phones are good in an emergency. But true, those don't occur frequently. It's convenient to call someone to let them know that you are running late/early.

The nice thing, I think, about my cell phone is that it's my land line, and I turn it off at night. Or just choose to not answer during the day. I still hold that if it's important, someone will leave a message. If not, it probably wasn't important.


5:08 AM  

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