Location: Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Comment dit-on cela en français?

While my previous attempts at learning Swedish and Hmong have not been as successful as I had hoped (the extent of my mastery is as follows: I can say "the cat can dance" in Swedish and "teacher, I don't understand English" in Hmong), I remain optimistic that I am one of those people who can learn a foreign language effortlessly. I have absolutely no evidence to support this, but I am hopeful.

Armed with nothing but faith, I marched into my neighborhood library branch and checked out a CD series called "Learn French the Easy Way." It sounded perfect for me, because I want to speak beautiful French by my October 13 departure date, but I don't really have all that much time to dedicate to the learning between my developing online shopping habit and watching the new primetime tv shows.

Hopefully that language acquisition part of my brain will come to life and I'll soon be saying "Je prendrai du vin" just like the natives.


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