Location: Minneapolis, MN

Monday, May 14, 2007

It's My Little Litmus Test

Continuing the theme of tolerance, one of my favorite topics to think about on my way to work is whether or not I'd be friends with the people driving ahead of me, behind me, etc. There are certain no-brainers: a St. Olaf sticker of any kind means "friend." A "W" is most definitely a no.

Representing most other local liberal arts colleges usually gets the "yes" nod, as well as Wellstone or Clinton (Bill or Hillary) stickers. People who flick their smoked-up cigarettes out the window do not get my potential friendship, nor do people who drive hummers or other unnecessarily behemoth-like vehicles. The car in front of me today most definitely did not pass my friendship test, with one sticker that read: "I love animals. They're delicious!" and the other which said: "Marriage is one man and one woman." I fully expected him not to use his turn signal--turning without signaling is another deal breaker for me--but unexpectedly, he did. Still, he didn't redeem himself.

The person that I know I'd be really good friends with hasn't been driving down Cleveland at 7:08 recently, but I have fond memories of those weeks when I'd follow her and her bumper sticker: "It will be a great day when schools get all the money they need, and the military has to hold a bake sale to buy its bombs."


Blogger KC said...

how about someone who's car is filled to the brim with trash? would i qualify to be your friend?? ;)

5:00 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Pre-existing friendships aren't subject to my test :)

How is the masters paper coming? When can I see you??

3:20 PM  

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