Location: Minneapolis, MN

Monday, May 28, 2007

Red Letter Day

My celebrity-illiterate husband, who just last week asked me if Leonardo Dicaprio was married and then told me that Angelina Jolie, in the movie The Good Shepherd, looked "familiar," redeemed himself today. We were on our way home from a weekend in northern Wisconsin and stopped at a tiny stripmall Subway in the blink-and-you'll-miss-it town of Pine City.

"Hey, that woman looks like Amy Klobuchar," Mark observed, as we were eating our turkey subs in a corner booth. I turned around and saw the profile of a woman who did indeed resemble our new state senator. She was with two other women, and all three were dressed in suits and heels--on Memorial Day, up north, where everyone else was donning flip-flops and t-shirts.

"It's totally her," said Mark with conviction. We grinned like Cheshire Cats at her when she walked past our table, and she graciously shook our hands and told us she was heading up north to survey the fire damage in Grand Marais. She exited the restaurant and got into a tan Chevy SUV with "fueled with 85% ethanol" stickers on the side doors, and that was the end of my greatest celebrity sighting since seeing Eric McCormack (better known as Will from "Will and Grace") in Las Vegas.


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