Location: Minneapolis, MN

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tomorrow Is Friday, Which Is Always A Good Thing To Be Able To Say

It's been one of those weeks that I'm not at all sorry to say good-bye to. Today, for example, began with a surprise formal observation by my supervisor, and ended with a very angry administrator in my classroom, chewing out my students--via an interpreter--for blocking the emergency exit with their prayer rugs during a fire drill.

But next week will be better, because while the building is attemping a fire-drill-take-two, I will be knitting in the craft room at Holden Village, where fire danger is admittedly more imminent (the villagers were evacuated for a couple of weeks earlier this fall due to forest fires in the area), but at least Lutherans are far too obedient to botch fire drills.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And we have trainings about what to do when the fire alarm goes off.

I can't wait until you come visit!


3:59 PM  

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