Location: Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Vacationing, Take Two

Just for the record, there were lots of really fun things about my last two...trips. That tiny baby mouse was darn cute when I released it into the wild (far, far away from the camp) and it got caught on a little leaf and just hung there for a second before it was able to scamper off through the grass. That, and watching Dave snorkel in the lake, through the weeds and everything. Most people snorkel in the Bahamas, Dave snorkels in northwoods lakes. And my mom and I found the best homemade chocolate chip cookies ever at a little Amish gas station (this is inherently odd, yes) in West Virginia.

Today my brother-in-law moves in with us. He's going to be taking a literature class at the community college this fall and he loves Entourage, so I think we're going to get along just fine.


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